Behaviour Academies, paperback

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Behaviour Academies, paperback

Behavior Academies


Targeted Interventions That Work!  

By: Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, John Hannigan

Effectively remedying student behavior means forming targeted behavior intervention methods. Authors Jessica and John Hannigan create a step-by-step process for replacing challenging student behaviors with those that strengthen essential life skills for school and beyond.

Cultivate and sustain a harmonious school with targeted behavior interventions that work.

With student behavioral problems and teacher turnover at all-time highs, educators need behavioral interventions that work. With its practical behavior intervention method, this book replaces problematic behaviors with essential life skills for school and beyond. Educators can implement effective targeted interventions in twenty-five minutes or less using eight predefined behavior academies and a process to create their own.

This book will help K–12 educators:

  • Address their own beliefs about students’ challenging behavior
  • Learn the eight behavior academies and their corresponding life skills
  • Identify the core components of an academy’s initial, ongoing, and exit sessions
  • Build their own behavior academy with a clearly outlined process
  • Use behavior rehearsal cards for an academy’s ongoing sessions

Solution Tree Press

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