Easy Grammar Grade 2 : Teacher Edition

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Easy Grammar Grade 2 : Teacher Edition

Easy Grammar Grade 2 : Teacher Edition

Students learn grammar faster and easier when they're actually writing and editing texts; this hands-on approach to grammar is just one of the reasons why Easy Grammar is so successful. Using the prepositional approach, students memorize prepositions to then eliminate from sentences, making finding the noun and verb much easier. Concepts are reviewed and introduced throughout the school year; this, accompanied with reviews helps to ensure engaged, mastery learning for all elementary aged children.
Each grade level Teacher Edition provides bite-size lessons, student practice and assessment pages, and those same pages with answers filled in. Both the practice pages and the tests are reproducible for families. 
Student Workbooks (sold separately) include lesson and practice pages. Test Books (sold separately) (available for Grades 3 and up) provide pre and post tests as well as sectional tests. 

Mastery of basic grammar facts. Independent student work. Lots of review and practice. That's what the Easy Grammar Program provides. It's convenient and takes no teacher prep time. The general idea is to introduce grammar gently to young students (Easy Grammar Daily grades 1-2). The middle school years (grades 3-7) focus on systematic instruction and provide lots of practice to master the basics as well as daily review. The secondary years (Easy Grammar Ultimate, grades 8-12) continue daily review, coupled with some advanced instruction. The courses vary in structure at different grade levels. Grades 3-6 are similar in structure but grade-level appropriate. Easy Grammar Plus is a course that can be used either in 7th grade or as a complete grammar review for older students. Daily Grams, available for grades 3-7, supplements and complements the EG series by providing daily review.


Product Information

Title: Easy Grammar Grade 2 Teacher Edition
By: Wanda Phillips
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Isha Enterprises, Inc.
Weight: 1 pound 4 ounces
ISBN: 9780936981833
ISBN-13: 9780936981833
Series: Easy Grammar

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