Elevate Science Middle Grades Modules: Cycles That Influence Weather and Climate Student Edition

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Elevate Science Middle Grades Modules: Cycles That Influence Weather and Climate Student Edition

Elevate Science Middle Grades 6-8 Module: Cycles That Influence Weather and Climate Student Edition

Elevate Science is a comprehensive K-8 science program that focuses on active, student centered learning. The blended print and digital curriculum engages your students in phenomena-based inquiry, three-dimensional learning, and hands-on investigations. Elevate Science fuels and interest in STEM and creative problem solving while supporting literacy development for all learners.

elevateScience offers 12 individual modules that span grades 6-8 and cover 100% of the NGSS Middle Grade Performance Expectations. For educators, the modules provide greater flexibility and customization for districts interested in building their own curriculum sequence. For adolescent learners, the bundled Performance Expectations create interesting storylines to motivate students to learn more.

The topics within each module provide an interactive learning journey that harnesses student curiosity and delivers engaging hands-on science experiences. Program features such as Quests and Project-Based Learning scenarios set students off on a journey to solve real-world science and engineering problems.

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