MCP Mathematics Level C Student Grade 3 covers addition and subtraction facts through 18, place value to the hundred thousands, adding 4-digit numbers with regrouping, measurement and time, multiplication facts through 9, geometry, graphing, division facts through 9, fractions, and decimals. 314 two-tone indexed pages, softcover. Level C. Grade 3.
MCP Mathematics is designed to be more direct, less cluttered, and more accessible than today's complex core math textbook programs and it does this without sacrificing concepts, skills, or standards. Through a consistent, two-page lesson structure MCP Mathematics will help young children develop math mastery one skill or concept at a time, building a strong foundation of math skills to better prepare students for math in the upper elementary grades.
- Develop problem solving skills and strategies through a four-step strategy-See, Plan, Do, and Check.
- More support for visual learners through a clean, uncluttered design that incorporates cues to improve comprehension.
- Math concepts that are accessible to students with diverse needs, including English language learners, with clear two- and four-page lessons covering a single topic.
Targeted especially towards students who struggle with their core math program, MCP Mathematics uses a traditional drill and practice format with a predictable, easy-to-use lesson format. MCP Math is flexible and adaptable to fit your schedule and needs. Reinforcing basic math skills, extensive practice will help students learn and retain new concepts while preparing a wide range of ability levels for success on standardized tests, MCP Math is suitable for classroom and home school use.
Product Name: MCP Mathematics Level C Student 2nd Grade 2005 Edition
Publisher: Pearson Education - Modern Curriculum Press/Dale Seymour Publications
Isbn-10: 0765260603
Isbn-13: 9780765260604
Cathy Duffy, author of Top 100 Picks for Homeschooling Curriculum says:
- “Modern Curriculum Press (MCP) Mathematics is one of the most practical and affordable math resources for the elementary grades.”
- “I sometimes use the MCP Mathematics teacher’s manual as an example of what a good teacher’s manual should look like.”
MCP Mathematics
MCP Mathematics is a seven-level, comprehensive math program to help your K-6 child develop a solid mathematics background. It is designed to encourage critical-thinking skills, active participation, and mastery of skills within the context of problem-solving situations. The program features a developmental sequence, to introduce and extend skills taught in most mathematics curricula - such as number sense, operations, algebra, geometry, data collection and analysis, logic and probability.
The MCP Mathematics program is based on research, so your students will benefit from the solid approach to mathematical understanding. After being introduced to the lessen concept, guided practice opportunities are provided to get started. This is followed by abundant practice to help your student master the skills, and finally, apply their skills to problem-solving and enrichment activities.
Research and Validity
The MCP Mathematics approach to mathematics instruction is firmly grounded in the practices for the teaching of mathematics that have been shown to be effective through numerous research studies. Unique to the program is its implementation of a combination of empirically valid components of effective mathematics instruction. The lesson approach heavily emphasizes problem solving through the use of direct instruction, a four-step problem solving strategy, guided and independent practice, and real-world application.
To encourage the development of higher order thinking skills, MCP Mathematics presents word and story problems that require students to draw upon and integrate multiple skills and strategies to find a solution. Additionally, the program emphasizes the practice of estimation, mental math, and calculator activities. To enhance instruction, MCP Mathematics materials provide teachers with assistance in identifying and remedying common errors.