Spelling Workout Level G Teacher Book Grade 7

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Spelling Workout Level G Teacher Book Grade 7 9780765224941

Spelling Workout Level G has all the components needed to lead students from simple sound-letter relationships to more complex spelling patterns. Modern Curriculum Press Spelling Workout is a phonics based program that uses reading passages and writing activities to give students valuable practice with their spelling words. Students first learn about the most basic of sound-letter relationships, and work up gradually to real complex spelling patterns. The series uses a simple and consistent layout, with word lists grouped around a single spelling rule. Exercises range from simply copying the words, to reading a passage and writing answers to questions. There are also fill in the blank exercises. The teacher’s edition does a great job suggesting flexible plans, detailing strategies, and giving dictation sentences. Fun riddles and puzzles make the lessons enjoyable and motivate student success. Students enjoy the exercises and teachers appreciate the clear and consistent format. The 36 lessons each focus on a spelling rule or pattern. Spelling Workout follows the same scope and sequence as the popular MCP Plaid Phonics.

At the start of every lesson, there is a short, interesting reading passage that uses some of the list words in context. There is a different spelling rule each time, with all the list words reflecting that phonics principle. Another facet that many teachers like is that the list words are given both in regular typeface and in perfect cursive, allowing students copy work to count for their handwriting practice.

Spelling Workout is designed to correlate well with Modern Curriculum Press Plaid Phonics.

The Teacher's Edition:

  • Provides detailed lesson plans for either a 3-day or 5-day plan.
  • Offers strategy activities for reinforcing and analyzing spelling patterns.
  • Includes Dictation Sentences for a Pretest and Final Replay Test.
  • Suggests tips for meeting the needs of English language learners.
  • Features Take-It Home masters to help foster home involvement.
  • Follows the same scope and sequence of MCP "Plaid" Phonics.

Product Name: Spelling Workout Level G Teacher Edition - 7th Grade

Publisher: Pearson Education - Modern Curriculum Press

ISBN-10: 0765224941

ISBN-13: 9780765224941

MCP Spelling Workout - Grade 7

Spelling well is a skill your student will use throughout his or her life, so it's important that you provide a quality Spelling education. Of course, just because a curriculum helps you create informational lessons doesn't mean it has to be dull. In fact, the Modern Curriculum Press (MCP) Spelling Workout program ensures that your student will not only learn letters, words and their meanings, but that he or she will stay engaged during the education process.

MCP Spelling Workout Level G for Grade 7 is a challenging program that solidifies your child's understanding of foundational Spelling concepts. As you move on to an appropriate level of difficulty, you want to be sure your student follows along with the lessons. For that reason, MCP Spelling Workout for Grade 7 was designed to be dynamic. You can move at your own pace, going back to certain topics when you need to so you’ll never have to worry about your students falling behind.

The curriculum includes plenty of engaging hands-on activities meant to make learning enjoyable for both you and your student.. He or she will complete riddles, puzzles, cross-curricular reading assignments and writing prompts. All these games are fun and educational, helping your students retain interest in Spelling.

MCP Spelling Workout was designed to be used in conjunction with MCP Plaid Phonics. This second program focuses on the sounds of words, teaching Spelling from the perspective of phonics. When used together, MCP Spelling Workout and Plaid Phonics will give your child a complete and well-rounded foundation in Spelling, however, Spelling Workout is a dynamic and complete program when used on its own. 

MCP Spelling Workout Level G for Grade 7 is a great choice to keep your child moving forward in his or her education.